How to Make A Drink Packet Christmas Tree

Make a drink flavor packet tree for your holiday party drink station and win Christmas! Guests can pull one drink packet off the tree and add it to a cold bottle of water for a festive holiday sip without all the added sugar.

drink packet christmas treedrink packet christmas tree

I am obsessed with flavored water. I buy drink packets every time I go to the store. They are my favorite little guilt-free treat.

So when I was asked to be in charge of the drink station at our holiday party this year, I decided to make a fun Christmas tree out of drink packets. And it turned out SO. CUTE.

Let me show you how to make one, because you should also bring one to your holiday party. It is too fun. You just gotta do it!

Here are the supplies you will need:

holiday drink station ideaholiday drink station idea

Materials Needed


Step 1: Dump out all those boxes of drink packets. It made me laugh to do this. So many!

Step 2: Place a small piece of tape on the small top end of the first drink packet and tape it to the tree so that the bottom end just kisses the tabletop. Place the next packet as close as you can to the first without overlapping. Then repeat this all the way around the tree.

tape packets to conetape packets to cone

Step 3: Start the second row just about 1 inch up from the first row. Keep adding drink packets and working your way up the cone. As I got further up the tree, I worried less about the rows and more about placing the packets so the one above landed in the space of the row below.

how to make a drink packet christmas treehow to make a drink packet christmas tree

Step 4: Add a star or a big bow to the top of the tree to finish it off. Then you’re done!

When it’s time for the party, fill a big cooler with water bottles. Then party guests can grab a drink packet off the tree…

drink packet christmas tree instructionsdrink packet christmas tree instructions

… and mix it into their water to sip on all through the party.

creative christmas drink station ideascreative christmas drink station ideas

I love this idea. I think it’s’ going to be a huge hit! Is this something you would try?

Drink Packet Christmas Tree Video

Merry Christmas and happy crafting!

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