Grab some gorgeous Christmas Gift Guide graphics to make your own social media posts. This year’s design by Helene Hall of Heysmartypants is SO beautiful – colourful, eye-catching, and quintessentially Kiwi – get it out there!
Tap and hold the image you want to save it to your images, ready to post! If you’re on a desktop, right click the image and select “save as” to save it to your computer for posting.
The Felt Christmas Gift Guide square tile
Useful for an Instagram or Facebook post. Tap and hold to save to your images, ready to post!

Find me in the Felt Christmas Gift Guide square tile
Useful for an Instagram or Facebook post. Tap and hold to save to your images, ready to post!

Find me in the Felt Christmas Gift Guide story background
Useful for an Instagram or Facebook story – add a link to your shop in the space provided. Tap and hold to save to your images, ready to post!

Instagram stickers
Add some Christmas Gift Guide bling to your stories! We’ve just released special Christmas Gift Guide stickers featuring the kākahu and kahukura butterflies – you can find them when adding a sticker to your story by searching #feltnz.