Did you know that creative companies tend to have 3.5 times greater growth potential? Crazy, right? Many people associate creativity with the world of the artist and the musician. In truth, creative ideas are everyone’ concern. They come really handy when it comes to solving problems, creating innovations, and improving on many fronts. This article shares different methods and examples of awesome creative ideas and how to go about them.
The Basics Behind Creative Thinking
In this section, we’ll discuss the process of creative thinking. We are interested in what goes into artistic creativity. Such a focus will help take away some of those misconceptions surrounding creative thinking.
What is Creativity? Definitions and Meaning.
Creativity means putting forth something that is new and useful. It is about a different approach to problem-solving. Or beautiful in some way that it stirs the perception of people. Creativity uses imagination and lateral thinking. It allows things to be viewed in different ways.
Seeing the Neuroscience Behind Creativity: Idea Generation from Brain’s Perspective
The brain has certain areas dedicated to putting forth new ideas. The prefrontal cortex consists mainly in generating new thought. Other parts interrelate diverse ideas. Neural networks allow the brain to look at things differently when thoughts are the order of the day. This time, new neural networks are formulated mapping to the unique ideas perceived.
The Most Common Myths about Creativity Busted
Some people think only certain people are creative. That isn’t true! Everyone can be creative. You don’t need to be an artist. Another myth says creativity can’t be taught. It’s also wrong! You can learn to be more creative. You just need the right tools.
Valid Techniques to Generate Ideas
Wanna create? These are the techniques offered to achieve that. These are genuine means to kick-start creative reflexes. Let us just turn to a few other viable options of assistance for you.
Brainstorming: The Classic Approach and Variations
Brainstorming means idea-generating many thoughts and ideas as a group. Write all of them down even if they seem utterly ridiculous. There should be no judging during the brainstorm. Afterward, consider the merit of each. The possible alternatives of brainstorming include reverse brainstorming prompting instead of solving a problem, to come up with ways to make it worse, which can lead to a solid list of ideas. Then, reverse those bad ideas into good ones. Brainwriting is when you write your ideas on paper, and then everybody gets to pass it around, use it for further brainstorming, and add to it.
Mind Mapping: An Idea Visualization.
Mind mapping helps clarify how ideas connect to one another. Write the main idea in the center of a page. Draw out branches from the center. Write down the ideas that relate to those branches. Mind maps clarify your thoughts visually. They also help to find relationships.
SCAMPER: A List for Creative Problem-Solving
SCAMPER is a tool for reformulating problems in your mind. Each letter stands for a different way to change anything:
S: Substitute-What can you substitute?
C: Combine-What can be combined?
A: Adapt-What can be adapted?
M: Modify-What can be modified-increased or decreased?
P: Put for other uses-How else can it be used?
E: Eliminate-What can be eliminated?
R: Reverse-What can be reversed?
Let us say we want to improve a pen.
Substitute: Use gel instead of ink.
Combine: Put in a flashlight.
Adapt: Waterproof it.
Modify: Make it bigger for people with arthritis.
Put to other uses: Use it as a stylus on a tablet.
Eliminate: Take away the cap.
Reverse: Make it write upside down.
Fostering a Creative Atmosphere
When designing workplaces for ideas to grow, how can they be set and kept to allow the full flowering of ideas? The focus here is on what can be done to help the mind actually cultivate a creation.
Setting Up Your Floor Space to Inspire
The place where you work ought to inspire joy. If plants or artistic creations inspire you, place them in there. Let in the light. Clean it up and keep it uncluttered. A pleasing space could help you clear your head. Be comfortable while brainstorming.
Engagement with Experimentation and Failure
Don’t hesitate to experiment with something new. Not every idea is a blockbuster. Failing is part of the creative journey. Through failure, you learn and then try again, armed with that knowledge.
Tricky Blocks-needs and Creative Slumps
Everybody gets into a jam at some time. Sit on it. Go on a walk, listen to some great music, or try something completely different. Change expands the corridor of thought.
Creativity in Motion in Action: Examples from the Ring of Fire
Let’s look outward and observe creativity at work in the world. These examples are all of new thoughts that have made a change. You can see other people’s creativity. These will give you thoughts about your own creative life.
Creative Companies: Innovation in Trade
Apple is innovative with design. And tech. Innovate to better everything. Tesla reinvented a car. Electric cars are the new black. Theses companies are examples of how creativity can bring success.
Art and Design: The New Expressions
Cubism changed art through Picasso. Zaha Hadid designed buildings which look like artworks. These guys have tried things others would not think about. Thus far, their art has given a new perspective of the world.
Social Impact: Creative Strategies to Global Problems
People take their creativity to find answers to complex problems. They are crafting innovative ways to transport clean water to people. They are making technology that helps children learn.
Ideas that are unique are needed for everyone. We talked about ways through which one can begin learning and hence remember about anything. Some of the tools are Brainstorming, Mind Mapping, and SCAMPER. Try new things, learn a lot, and share thoughts with other people. Rely on these things to enhancing your potential in creativity!