This 2024 LDS youth theme handout is perfect for ward conferences, firesides, or YW camp. It includes a spiritual thought and gift idea too!
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2024 Youth Theme Handout
I’m the Stake Young Women President in my stake and, like every other president, have been trying to come up with an affordable and meaningful gift to give the young women when I visit the units during ward and branch conferences. I wanted to tie it in with the 2024 youth theme and include something fun.
Each year, a youth theme is chosen to encourage, inspire, and unite youth worldwide striving to follow Jesus Christ. The theme is typically a motto or a phrase based on a scriptural passage. This year’s theme is 3 Nephi 5:13: “Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.”
I wanted to create a spiritual thought to share with the youth and young women leaders to encourage unity and discipleship. The thought came to me to incorporate honey bees into my message. I know that sounds odd, but you should probably know that I follow a lot of random accounts on Instagram, and one of them is a beekeeper who shares videos of hive removal from homes. She removes the bees and relocates them so that they can continue their work, leaving behind up to 100 pounds of honey. This is amazing because a bee will only create 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. That’s right— 1/12th of a teaspoon.
Bees are absolutely incredible, working side by side to build intricate infrastructures and a source of honey that will last forever. Did you know that they found honey in Egyptian pyramids that was still edible after 3,000 years? A bee only lives for a few weeks and makes a few drops of honey in that amount of time, yet a hive can create 60-100 pounds of honey in a year. I could go on and on with bee facts—there are so many themes here that we can learn from. Hard work, dedication, service, unity…
I did a quick Google search, “LDS bees” to see if anything popped up to help me convey my message. The following article, Viewpoint: Lesson of the Bees includes quotes from Elder Ballard and President Monson. I used that message as the inspiration for my ward conference handout.
I am a Disciple of Jesus Christ Handout Supplies
I used Burt’s Bees chapstick in my photos, which would be perfect and come in many fun scents, but they aren’t the ones I’m using for my handouts. I needed something more cost-effective for 150 people and ordered honey-flavored beeswax lip balm on Amazon. They had great reviews and were under $1 each. I received an email today letting me know that my order had been delayed and wouldn’t be here for at least another week, so I grabbed a few tubes of Burt’s that I already had to use in the photos.
I also saw these ones (which are even more affordable) and thought they were super cute with great reviews.
(print front to back)
There are 2 versions. The first is formatted for printing at home, and the second can be uploaded to a print company to print on postcards.
If printing from home use these printables (formatted for 4×6″):
Printable Without “Stake YW Presidency Signature” (click here to download)
Printable Handout WITH Stake YW Presidency Signature” (click here to download)
For automatic double-sided printing switch from long-edge binding to short-edge binding in your printer layout settings (see image above). You can also print all of the front sides then manually flip the stack of paper over and print the back.
If printing from a third-party company use these printables (formatted to fit 4×6″):
Printable FRONT (click here to download)
Printable BACK Without Signature (click here to download)
Printable BACK With “The Stake YW Presidency” Signature (click here to download)
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